Calculating HVAC Loads: A Comprehensive Guide to Manual J Methodology

Welcome back to the second installment in our series on HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) design for high-performance homes and buildings. The Importance of Accurate HVAC Load Calculations When you’re involved in a new build or renovation project, accurate HVAC load calculations, often known as “Doing a Manual J,” are critical. The term refers [...]

By |October 16th, 2023|Building Science, HVAC Series|Comments Off on Calculating HVAC Loads: A Comprehensive Guide to Manual J Methodology

A Primer on Upcoming Changes to US Energy Codes (And How Our Engineered Insulation Products Can Help)

More stringent energy codes are being adopted across the USA.  Here is the current make up energy codes on a state-by-state basis: And here are the energy code adoptions are expected in the near future: And, recently passed federal incentives for energy code upgrades will only accelerate this trend. In the post [...]

By |March 14th, 2023|Updates & Interests|Comments Off on A Primer on Upcoming Changes to US Energy Codes (And How Our Engineered Insulation Products Can Help)

Builder Success Story: Setting A High Performance Precedent With Locally Available Labor Skills

In this story, builder Sean Murphy and his company, Hollyhock Construction, set a high performance precedent (and secure a win at the 2022 Logix Awards) with locally available labor skills (with a bit of help from Logix Brands). Sean and his team met and exceeded client expectations — and the industry standards — while [...]

By |September 6th, 2022|Updates & Interests|Comments Off on Builder Success Story: Setting A High Performance Precedent With Locally Available Labor Skills
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